Shopping online

March 13, 2009

I've been keeping in touch with one of my cousins. We seldom talk lately because everyone seems to be busy. Every time I had a chance to chat with her she's at work. Yesterday we managed to chat though and she's been talking about her little angel (my niece). She told me that she's planning to buy her new clothes and also a little something as a reward for being a good little girl. Busy as she is with work and tired when at home, she plans to buy things online. We found an online shop where she had a lot of selections for girls clothing categorized for specific ages.

As for the "little something" she mentioned, she browsed the pets and toys category but she hasn't made up her mind yet. She finds the selections interesting and the site gives a lot of merchants to select from. Browsing some more categories lead her into window shopping for prices and other things that she would be interested in buying such as school supplies, cosmetics and beverages for herself. She can't believe that all of the things that she could think of buying are found in one place online!

It was getting late for her and she needs to wake up early for work the following day. She's going to show and browse the site again with her boyfriend so they can decide what to get for their daughter and check out more offers and prices. If you like to shop online visit shop and do some shopping! :D

Medical Transcription a demanding job

March 1, 2009

This is the common setting when a medical trancriptionist is working. Looks very simple right? Sitting all day facing the computer and transcribing. But its not so simple if you ask me.

I came to hear about medical transcription from a friend online. I searched over the internet and I found that the requirements are very simple for a person who is in any medical related field. So I enrolled myself in a school and this month I would be getting my certificate. I am attracted to this because of a chance to work at home. But lately I realized that this profession is very demanding.
Why? Because it requires knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, medical terminology, laboratory results, and almost everything a doctor should know. Not only that you need to be very good with written English, and a high accuracy rate matched with a fast typing speed. I say it is demanding looking at the requirements. A common knowledge for doctors and a English proficiency of a English college teacher. And for what amount of pay? A few cents per line you transcribed or a few bucks per thousands of words? It looks very underpaid if you ask me. It is difficult to be an MT, especially if you just finished the course and found a job. Your lucky if you find a considerate dictator that speaks clearly and spells out uncommon terms or medicines.

I managed to find a friend who is doing MT homebased. She was able to let her client assess me and hire me on a trial basis. I was very happy. But then the rate is very low. I accepted it though considering I am a new and I am not yet very fast in typing. I just said to myself, there is no such thing as easy money and continued doing this. The doctor used to send me work once a week. But it has been over a week now and I have not heard anything from him although he replies to my email. I'm not sure where this will lead to. It would help if people were open to say things like "your fired" or "I can't send you work anymre" etc. Although I don't think that this is the reason in my case. Geez, I hate suspense. This is making me a little frustrated.

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