A great phone by Nokia!

April 2, 2010

Cellphones are a need to today's daily living. The trend now with mobile phones are with touch screens. Which are expensive, will ran out of battery after a day, loads slow if you have a big archive of songs and videos and for me I don't find it worth it. I simply go for practical phones.

I go with mobile phones which has...
long battery life.
gets easily full when charged.
over 50 messages to save.
sent items.

Not neccesarily a colored one. With or without mp3 music or songs. I go for these kind of phones simply because of practicality. I don't have the leisure of charging my phone everyday.

Now I found such a phone which suits for me!
The Nokia 1203 and 1204.

Features: It has a flashlight. Does not need to take long hours to get fully charged up. Stand by battery life is 5 days! Can save upto 100 messages. It's not colored, neither does it have music or videos. But this is the phone for me.

Now we come to an interesting part of the discussion, how much does it cost? Here in the Philippines, I bought each phone for about 1,299 Php! That's over $20 in American dollars.
If you would ask me if the price is worth it for such a simple phone, then the answer is YES!!!

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