Thoughts about going back to school

October 9, 2008
I mentioned in several of my post about me going back to school. So enrollment is a couple of weeks from now. So I've been bothered by how will I go back to school? I would see same old and new faces. I would be in class of students mostly a year younger than me but will be accompanied by a few fellow "returnees" as that would refer to us. I'm retaking one subject to the same topics and lectures. I might have the same lecturers. Being deloaded from school had a negative hit on my ego. It made me reflect if I am intellectually unfit for the nursing profession. Which made me question if the Nursing Aptitude Test (NAT) is of any use in determining ones potential in this field. Will I be taking similar major exams? Will I be doing better than before? Can I pass this semester and proceed to my 4th year? All this time which I should be spending on self-study and reviews were wasted on playing browser games, hanging around in chatrooms, blogging, clicking on ptc's, posting in paid forums and searching a way to earn from the net. My mom is worried about me if I can do better. And well she's not the only one. For the meantime, I really need to collect everything I learned back and make use of it for this time. And sad part is, I'm not spending time in it. I guess my future is clouded. And more disappointments to come.


Anonymous said...

You should use this "i don't care" attitude and just go to school. No matter what other people might think, it's your life. You still have the time, just don't waste it.