My earning experience (Part 1)

October 2, 2008
The internet is available worldwide and many individuals have found ways to make a sideline earning from it. All you need to have is your own computer, internet connection, ideas time, effort and dedication.


With blogging you need to create your free blog account from any of the many free blog hosting sites. I am using All you need to do is Create an account using your Gmail email, choose a template and make your first post.

Before you earn

Before you start earning you need to have an e-currency payment processor account There are a lot of payment processors and with blogging you need a Paypal account.

How to Earn

In order to earn you need to make use of Google Adsense. It allows you to put ads in your blog related to your blog content. And you will earn if your viewers would click on a ad voluntarily. Another way is by per 1000 page impression. Your earnings will reflect in your adsense account. Before you can have it transferred into your Paypal account you need to reach a certain amount of money.

It may appear to be a simple step by step procedure but it takes time to see results.