Simbang Gabi

December 17, 2008
One of the best ways to spend my Christmas vacation is to go to church. Here in the Philippines we have this traditional mass every dawn which we refer to as "simbang gabi". It is actually a novena. It starts at the 16th of December and ends on the 25th. It is believed that if your truly devoted and never miss a mass you wish be granted a wish made at the last day. I used to observe this along with my friends. We wake up around 1 or never sleep and compensate by resting in the day just for everyone to be together. Gp to church and believe me it's one of the times where I see churches here overflow with people. Late comers just stand on the hallway until the mass is finished. After that, you hang out with your friends go to places, make some funny trips and go home. I completed my attendance once. It was when I was facing a problem with school. I was encouraged to attend it because of this believed wish that will be granted. So I wished to pass my second year and I did. But last year I haven't done this and was pretty occupied with school. It's a shame, I already missed two days. All this school stuff is getting me preoccupied. I wish to complete my attendance next year. Hopefully the gang would be around since much has happened. A few went to other regions to work, others are busy with their newly started family, and some of us are hooked into computer games. I plan to gather the group next year and observe this. For all time's sake.