Family issues

November 4, 2008
We have two extra houses and we rent it to other people to get an extra income for the family. It's actually owned by my uncle but due to his good fortune in Kansas he owns 5 acres of land and is happily living with his American wife and does not bother about it. It was transferred to my mother's name and only me and my brother are her heirs and both of us are taking up nursing. If you look at it you think "financial stability" but that's not the case. I really am bothered with the people that rent our houses. Every time they go they leave problems, unpaid bills and some furniture missing. And that is not something to smile about. One of the house was rented to a distant relative but before all souls day they left leaving electric and water bills unpaid. Not to mention a few of the furniture is missing which was placed there for me to use in case I quarrel with my mom and leave the house and live by myself. Thinking about it if your relatives would see your side of your family to be in good financial status they tend to come and borrow money a lot. If you go and request for their payment they would give you comments that "it's only chicken feed" to what we receive each month from from relatives in the states. And that would leave them not to pay the borrowed money. And many cases, My family leaves these matters unresolved. But I can't stand it. They are leeching from other people. And you see them spending money on useless things, able to afford many cases of heavy beverages everyday but they come to you and look pitiful saying they have no food to eat. THIS IS A SOCIAL CANCER! Something that I don't like living in the Philippines. When I become a nurse and my dad would request me to go to the states I will work hard and bring my mom and brother there. Leaving behind the crab mentality, leeches and lazy relatives behind. Our family is a bit soft and get's easily sympathetic when they are presented with problems from our relatives especially my grandmother and mother. But this has got to stop. Lazy people are abusing this weakness of ours. We HIGHLY value virtues of honesty, reliability and good character and this kind of people are not among most of our relatives. We don't resort to tricking or deceiving other people its the other way around for us. Everytime me my grandmother and mother talk about this, we really wonder why people are like that? We would only resort to prayers and we believe in Karma.